March 14, 2010


My photography website is officially up and running. Please email me what you think about it at or leave a comment here!

I would love to hear your thoughts!

Special thanks to Roland for designing it and everyone I bugged (you know who you are, and I thank you for your input) with random questions about if I should include certain photos, layout and helping me write a quirky about me section, I about me sections that take themselves too seriously. Everyone scans through it anyways just to get to the contact info.

Please, check out the website, it would mean a lot.

Apologies in advance, I know there is A LOT of content. I plan on editing it down quite a bit but for now i really just wanted the site up and running.


Andréa said...

It's better this way, narrowed down, it took me ages to load averything the first time i went on it, but now it's fonctionable and cute.

Patrice J said...

thanks! we are about to completely redo the site! haha. but it still going to be little content and cute.

it's just so hard going through 5 years worth of work and trying to figure out what goes up and what doesn't so I figured add everything, then narrow it down. Haha.

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